Loss and grief counseling

"Saying goodbye is not letting go.

It's a different way of holding ."

It is sometimes said:

you can only really let go of something

if you managed to hold it.

Dealing with grief and loss,

will you succeed alone?

Sooner or later we will be faced with loss.

Such as the loss of a loved one or loss of freedom, health, work or relationship.

The loss often means an abrupt turn in life,

where you have to learn to cope

with the new situation and often experiences a permanent lack of what was before.

With a major loss you go through a grieving process.

How you grieve differs from person to person.

Everyone deals with it in his / her own way.

I would like to offer you support

with your experience

with loss and mourning.

There are many forms of loss.

How do you process it?

Talking about loss helps.

Sometimes talking is about loss

not easy.

Your environment may show little understanding.

Or you don’t want to be a burden to the people around you.

Losing work, health or a loved one is not easy.

Together with me you can learn to accept the loss and rearrange your life.

For more information about this you can contact me without obligation and personally.
If you want to know more about prices, you can find this on the rates page.
Of course, things such as customization and payment options are negotiable.