Mission and Vision
As your coach I stand next to you, I am there for you, I follow and lead you to the path that you would like to walk.,
to get the best out of yourself. I am here for you with patience, respect and integrity.
Available for you and your personal process.
My passion is to let you take that one step, so that you can continue yourself.
Personal development is a continuous process of change towards your desired goals.
By doing this, you will discover more and more sides of yourself. You broaden your options, freedom and happiness.
Based on new insights you can develop new skills, which in turn can lead to more efficient and pleasant work.
By increasing self-insight and self-knowledge your self-image is strengthened.
This gives you more confidence in yourself and you can give your life more self-direction.
All this has a positive effect on all kinds of living areas, such as: health, work and relationships.
How can I help you?
Autism coaching.
Career counseling
Swimming coaching.
“I have a dream ...”
Who am I?
Coach, that’s me and every time it makes me happy when I manage, with respect, patience and perseverance, to help somebody discover his / her self-worth, self-responsibility and authenticity. With the right timing and at an appropriate distance, I can help you achieve this in an honest and respectful way.
References & Quotes

Feel free to contact me.
Via this form or the Messenger app at the bottom right of this screen or via the telephone number below.
You can also reach me via social media.
Or just send an email:
Company information
Telephone: +31 (0)6 30 475 475
IBAN: NL95 RABO 0321 8656 85
KvK: 68567693